Colourful Soup

Colourful Soup

2020 Watercolour. A4.

Did anybody else have the joke at primary school that if you mouthed “colourful soup”, it would look like you were saying, “I love you”?

I had made myself some borscht, and when I sat down to eat it, I was suddenly struck by the beauty of my meal. My beloved Herdy mug and my soup sat side by side in total unplanned harmony! So here it is.  Please note my home-baked ‘lockdown sourdough’ rye bread, on a bread board that my brother made me many years ago.

You can buy this image as a greetings card from my web shop, either individually or in a 5-for-4 pack from the Beautiful Food series. I will be donating 10% of profits from the sale of the card with this image to The Herdy Company’s charitable fund – The Herdy Fund.